Greater Houston Midwives

Interactive Map

Use our interactive map to find a midwife near you! Midwives are also listed below by their general geographic location in our Midwife Directory; however, many midwives will travel throughout the Houston area, so make sure to interview the surrounding area midwives as well to find your perfect fit.

Midwife Directory

Click on the midwife's name to find out more!

Free Standing Birth Centers

Houston is blessed to have a significant number of birth centers that offer community birth options. Many birth centers offer home birth, as well as birth in their facility. Use the interactive map below to find a birth center near you!

Birth Center Directory

Click on the birth center's name to find out more!

Midwife Members:

To be added to our interactive map and midwife directory, please fill out the form using the Directory Form linked below. Don't have a midwife membership yet? Join GHMA now!